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Fintech Connector: the largest FinTech network, and why should you join ?

Updated: Apr 1, 2023

With disruption coming to financial services impacting more than 27 million people in the way they do their jobs. Fintech Connector guides finance professional through their fintech journey by connecting them and helping orgnisations with their digital strategy through collaborating on fintech ideas to cultivate FinServ (Financial Services) innovation. e-wallets, digital money, and cryptocurrency exchanges are what Fintech Connector community is connecting fintech professionals around.

Check the following article about "10 resons to join Fintech Connector" by Elena Kozhemyakina the Founder and CEO of FinTech4Funds, and FinTech Connector Founding Member

10 reasons to join Fintech Connector
Download PDF • 993KB

Fintech Connector were the community partner to DSRPTD 2021 which took place on the 25th to the 27th of October in Dubai, UAE, ensuring the maximum return on investment for the participating startups, scaleups, investors, corporates, VCs, and governments.

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