Audio and video recordings are not permitted during the entire duration of the event!
The organizer is entitled to exclude participants from the seminar in the event of non-compliance.
The organizer reserves the right to make film and audio recordings and to use them for a later, also commercial, purpose.
Seminar Agenda

Sunday 19, March
Inlet: 9am
Seminar starts: 10am
Coffee break in the afternoon for 30 mins
Lunch break for 60 mins
Seminar ends: 6pm

Monday 20, March
Inlet: 9am
Seminar starts: 9am
Two coffee breaks in the morning and the afternoon: 30 mins each
Lunch break for 60 mins
Seminar ends: 6pm

Tuesday 21, March
Inlet: 9am
Seminar starts: 9am
Two coffee breaks in the morning and the afternoon: 30 mins each
Lunch break for 60 mins
Seminar ends: 6pm
Loretta Joseph, Director at AP Capital.
Topic: Implications of global and European regulatory frameworks for digital assets
Robert Klipp, CEO bei My Best Concept.
Topic: Digital Tools - Improving Efficiency in the Business
Sharad Agarwal, Chief Metaverse Officer of Cyber Gear
Topic: Metaverse for Business

Dr. Dominik Herzog, Entrepreneur Lawyer
Topic: Smart Contract - Understanding and Utilizing Smart Contracts: A Revolutionary Technology for Business Processes
Pierre Samaties, Partner, Global Co-Head, Crypto Economy, Roland Berger
Topic: The Future of Crypto Economy
Sam Katiela, Chairman of the Borad, Crypto Valley Partners.
Topic: What is the future of money

Petra Schlerit, VR Expert.
Topic: Virtual Reality - Integration of Virtual Reality in Your Business
Suwi Murugathas, Founder & CEO of Newboxes
Topic: Disruptive Technologies

Do you have any questions, requests or suggestions?
You can reach us Monday to Friday from 08:00 a.m. to 04:30 p.m.:
BV Bestseller Verlag GmbH
Universitätsstr. 60
44789 Bochum
www.bestseller-verlag.com Terms and
We are also happy to be there for you at the seminar!